Candle Dragon – Grand Mesa Music (Grade 3) Click to hear - Commissioned by the Colorado Chapter of ASBDA. The aurora borealis, or northern lights, has intrigued civilizations and cultures around the world for centuries. The Chinese called it, “candle dragon”, and we can possibly conclude that the legends of dragons throughout Chinese culture date back to the association with the snake like movement of the auroral bands.

Conversations With The Heavens - WI Music (Grade 3.5) Click to hear (Rehearsal Recording) Conversations With the Heavens is a reflective work delving into the emotions surrounding loss. In our thoughts we speak to those that we have lost and through our memories they speak to us and guide us along our life path.

Dance to a Mysterious Tune - WI Music (Grade 3) Click to hear Dance to a Mysterious Tune was inspired by the Albert Einstein quote: “Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” Dance to a Mysterious Tune is written in mixed meter with the main melody in 7/8 with a secondary melody in 5/8. The piece shifts constantly with 6/8, 3/4 and 2/4 popping up occasionally too. The final melodic statement is in 4/4.

Escalante – Grand Mesa Music (Grade 4) Click to hear - Commissioned by the Hood River Valley HS Band (Hood River, Oregon) The Escalante-Grand Staircase National Monument is a recent addition to the National Parks System.  This area in Southeastern Utah is characteristic of many areas throughout a larger region known as the Colorado Plateau. Escalante encompasses the grand splendor of the area as a piece written in four continuous sections.  The sections Canyon, Plateau, Ruin, and Water work together to form a musical setting as diverse as the area it is named after. Escalante was the winner of the 1998-99 Colorado Composer’s Competition sponsored by CMEA.

Gates of Lodore – Grand Mesa Music (Grade 3) Click to hear - The Gates of Lodore is a rock formation at the mouth of the Canyon of Lodore along the Green River in Northwestern Colorado.  The canyon walls rise up to 3000 feet as the Green River descends through the canyon.  The area was first mapped by John Wesley Powell in his famous river voyage of 1869.  Powell and his party had considerable difficulty navigating through the Canyon of Lodore. Place names such as Upper and Lower Disaster Falls and Hell’s Halfmile bear witness to their adventures. A bold main melody gives way to a lyric middle section as this piece musically depicts a trip through the incredible canyon.

John Muir Suite – Grand Mesa Music (Grade 4) Click to hear - John Muir was a noted naturalist and author as well as founder and first president of the Sierra Club. Each of the four movements, Yosemite, Glacier Bay, Hetch Hetchy, and High Sierra musically depicts an area that Muir dedicated time and energy towards preserving for future generations. Listed as a Top 100 tune in Bandworld magazine.

Out Where the West Begins - WI Music (Grade 3.5) - Click to hear - Out Where the West Begins is inspired by the 1917 poem of the same name by Arthur Chapman. This work captures the excitement and adventure of the old West! It contains significant parts for each player in the group. The piece features different stylistic playing, varied articulations and numerous key centers. There is a harmonica part (not included on this recording) and is doubled wherever it plays.

Purple Mountain Majesties - WI Music (Grade 3) Click to hear - Purple Mountain Majesties was commissioned by the Sand Creek HS Wind Ensemble, Colorado Springs, CO. Sand Creek High School has a beautiful view of Pikes Peak, the inspiration for this composition. Characteristic intervals from America The Beautiful were used to create original themes for this piece. Purple Mountain Majesties offers bands a variety of stylistic playing opportunities and can be used as an excellent concert opener or contest piece.

Redstone Revel - WI Music (Grade 3) Click to see and hear - Redstone Revel was composed for the dedication of the new auditorium at Lyons Middle/Senior High School in Lyons, Colorado. Redstone from the local quarry was used to build benches and tables for a gathering area outside the auditorium and to decorate an interior wall of the auditorium. This bold and exciting piece will open any concert with flair.

To the Highest of Heights - WI Music (Grade 3) Click to hear - This composition celebrates the achievements that students, programs and directors have made in overcoming the many challenges they face.

Although not specifically stated in the program notes, this composition was written as a “tip of the hat” to successful small programs. The piece challenges technically and rhythmically. It features all members of the ensemble without overly exposing any section. The instrumentation is limited (no 3rd parts in any section) to accommodate smaller ensembles.