Sounds of a Prairie River - WI Music (Grade 3) - The Poudre River, also known as the Cache la Poudre River, flows east out of the mountains of Northern Colorado, through the cities of Fort Collins and Greeley before connecting with the South Platte River. The headwaters of the Poudre River are in Rocky Mountain National Park. After leaving the park the river takes a majestic tumble through scenic Poudre Canyon before leveling out and calming as it crosses the prairie landscape just before connecting with the South Platte River.

There is a bike path that follows the Poudre River for many miles near the city of Greeley. Following the bike path gives you insight into what the river provides for the natural environment around it. This bike path, and the many times traveled on it, provided the inspiration for Sounds of a Prairie River.


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Sounds of a Prairie River - Additional Score